Mobile Officer in Zywiec

Mobilny Urzędnik

From February 13-th, residents of the Zywiec City  who, because of any disability, have limited mobility  and cannot visit Żywiec Municipal Office personally, i.e. who have a disability certificate or a certificate of full incapacity for work, can use a service of Mobile Officer. 
The "Mobile Officer" service program includes support and assistance of Zywiec Municipal Office  employee in  resident's home during which the officer :
1. will provide assistance in filling out an application, declaration or other form;
2. will provide explanations regarding to administrative procedures related to service;
3. will accept an application, request or declaration.
Visits, after previous registration and confirmation, will be realized (made as required) on each first Thursdays of the month. 
The range of services under the "Mobile Clerk" program is a selection of services within the Zywiec Municipal Office terms of references. 
We invite you to read all "Mobile Officer" regulations, service and application form on (

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